ISMs: Cost Effective Remedy Selection at a TCE Impacted Site
At a site impacted by TCE, biostimulation and bioaugmentation were considered as remediation strategies.
The site managers asked: “Is bioaugmentation required at this site for meaningful rates of reductive dechlorination?” The answer was no. An In Situ Microcosm (ISM) study showed conclusively that Dehalococcoides (DHC) was present at the site at low levels but could be significantly stimulated by simple addition of an electron donor. The ISM study further demonstrated that bioaugmentation did not present clear advantages at this site.
The ISM study conducted at this site provided clear, actionable evidence that electron donor injection would stimulate reductive dechlorination without the need for expensive bioaugmentation. Further, this evidence was provided in a significantly more cost effective manner than a bench-scale treatability study or a pilot scale study and in a more timely manner.