
QuantArray®-Chlor: Actionable Data for Remedy Selection

• Site managers were considering monitored natural attenuation (MNA), biostimulation, and bioaugmentation as remediation strategies at a site impacted by a complex mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons including PCE, TCE, 1,1,2-TCA, 1,2-DCA, cis-DCE, and VC along with high concentrations of sulfate.

• QuantArray®-Chlor analysis provided actionable data for remedy selection allowing timely decisions and significant cost savings in site management.


QuantArray®-Petro: MNA Assessment at a Crude Oil Impacted Site

At a crude oil impacted site, project managers were considering MNA as a site management strategy based on favorable contaminant concentration trends and geochemistry in groundwater. However, additional lines of evidence were required.

Together with contaminant concentration trends and geochemistry, the direct microbial data provided multiple lines of evidence to support a confidant MNA decision resulting in significant cost savings over enhanced remediation.

Featured Image for Census qPCR Actionable Data for Evaluating MNA Case Study

CENSUS® qPCR: Actionable Data for Evaluating MNA

• A petroleum pipeline release in a remote area had gone undiscovered for a number of years and groundwater was impacted with BTEX. Groundwater monitoring results suggested that BTEX concentrations were decreasing although results were variable.

• Trends in decreasing BTEX concentrations were validated as biological in origin supporting an MNA management strategy and avoiding the greater costs of enhanced remediation.