Microbial Insights Canada
MI Australia Map

Microbial Insights, Inc. USA

Ship Samples To:
Attn: Sample Custodian
10515 Research Drive
Knoxville, TN 37932 USA

Microbial Insights Canada

Ship Samples To:
Attn: Sample Custodian
735 Griffith Court
Burlington Ontario
L7L 5R9

Project related questions:
+1 865 573-8188 or info@microbe.com

EBPI – Sample delivery related questions only: 905-634-TEST

Microbial Insights Australia 

Ship Samples To:
Attn: Maia Rabinovich
c/o AGRF Ltd
Plant Genomics Centre
Hartley Grove
Urrbrae SA 5064, Australia

Project related questions:
+1 865 573-8188 or info@microbe.com

AGRF – 8 8313 7202 (sample delivery related questions only, i.e., directions to AGRF, delivery hours, etc.)

MI Europe Map
MI Europe Map
MI Map of Asia

Microbial Insights Europe

Ship Samples To:
Attn: Sample Custodian
c/o Avecom
Industrieweg 122P
B-9032 Wondelgem, Belgium

Project related questions:
+ 1 865-573-8188 or info@microbe.com

Sampling supplies or sample delivery questions only:
mi-europe@avecom.be or +32 9 375 17 14

Microbial Insights Europe (Germany)

Ship Samples To:
Attn: Sample Custodian
c/o Sensatec
Tempelhofer Weg 8
12099 Berlin

Project related questions: Project related questions:  + 1 865-573-8188 or info@microbe.com
Sampling supplies or sample delivery questions only:  info@sensatec.de or +49 431 389009-0

Microbial Insights China

Xiuying Li (cell# 13204027102)
Room C-4-16
Institute of Applied Ecology
Chinese Academy of Sciences
72 Yunong Road, Shenyang, Liaoning, 110164 China

The shipping address in Chinese is:


Microbial Insights operates across the globe with labs in multiple countries, plus we can accept samples from many additional locations worldwide.

Have we analyzed samples from your location? Contact us to learn more!

MI has laboratories worldwide, we also accept samples from around the world.