Sampling Protocols – U.S.


Groundwater Samples for the United States

Detailed instructions on how to use the Bio-Flo sampling approach to collect groundwater samples using a variety of pumps (peristaltic preferred, grundfos, air bladder, etc.) for MBTs.

Bio-Flo Sampling Protocol for DNA (DNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS)

Bio-Flo Sampling Protocol for RNA (RNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS)

Detailed instructions on how to collect groundwater samples in poly bottles for MBTs.

Groundwater Sampling Protocol for DNA (DNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS

Groundwater Sampling Protocol for PLFA

Groundwater Sampling Protocol for CSIA  Detailed instructions on how to collect groundwater samples for CSIA

Bio-Trap Samplers for the United States

Detailed instructions on how to use the Bio-Trap Samplers for DNA based analyses.

Bio-Trap Sampler Protocol for DNA (DNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS)

Bio-Trap Sampler Protocol for RNA (RNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS)

Bio-Trap Sampler Protocol for PLFA

Bio-Trap Sampler Protocol for SIP

Soil/Sediment/Solid or Product Samples for the United States

Detailed instructions on how to collect soil/sediment samples for DNA based analyses.

Soil/Sediment/Solid Sampling Protocol for DNA (DNA based CENSUS® (qPCR), QuantArray®, NGS)

Soil/Sediment/Solid Sampling Protocol for PLFA

Corrosion Sampling Protocols for the United States

MI can analyze almost any type of sample matrix including water, coupons, pipe samples and scrapings, pig run solids, black powder and more. Following are links to pdf files which provide detailed descriptions on how to collect MIC samples.  These same protocols apply for any DNA based assay (QuantArray®, NGS, CENSUS® (qPCR)).

Bio-Flo Sampling Kit for DNA

Water Sampling Kit for DNA

Soil/Sediment/Solid Sampling Kit for DNA

Bio-Trap Sampler for DNA

Swab Sampling Kit for DNA

Coupon Sampling Kit for DNA

Other Useful Forms for U.S. Shipping

MI US Chain of Custody-Remediation

MI US Chain of Custody-Corrosion

           MI US Chain of Custody-Source Tracking

A chain of custody (COC) form must be included with each shipment of samples. Please package the COC in a moisture-proof bag and attach on the underside of the cooler lid. Click on the pdf link to obtain a copy of our COC or contact us to have a copy faxed to you.

Soil Import Permit
For convenient shipping of international samples Microbial Insights Inc. holds a soil import permit (#S-4574).

Sampling Video Handout
A collection of videos related to sampling you can save for future reference.


Woman Owned Small Business Certificate

Microbial Insights (MI) is very pleased to announce certification as a Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) for the Small Business Administration (SBA) WOSB Federal Contracting Program.  Certification was performed by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the largest third-party certifier of woman-owned, controlled and operated businesses in the US.