MI Database


Since 1992, the Microbial Insights mission has been actionable data through state of the art molecular biological tools (MBTs), the most accurate and precise data in the industry, and exceptional customer service from start to finish. To support this mission, we offer clients free access to the Microbial Insights Databases – One Stop Resources that help put your results in context and convert your MBT data into management actions.

MI Database Logo

The MI Environmental Microbiology Database v2.0

With CENSUS® qPCR and QuantArray® results for more than 250,000 field samples from sites around the world, the MI Database is the largest collection of field concentrations of key microorganisms and functional genes.

Putting Microbiology in Context: In practice, biodegradation depends not just on the presence but the actual concentrations of the contaminant degrading microorganisms. The percentile ranks retrieved from the MI Database answer the question “Is that low, medium or high?” by comparing your results to those of the literally thousands of other environmental samples submitted to MI for analysis over the last 30+ years.

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Low, medium or high? Percentiles will tell you.

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Download percentile tables directly to Excel.

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Customize and export percentile charts.

Screenshot of our MI Database

The CSIA Database

Compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) is a powerful tool that can provide conclusive evidence of contaminant degradation, delineate contaminant sources, and provide direct insight into degradation mechanisms.

The CSIA Database allows you to create and download custom CSIA plots that combine your site data with appropriate literature values to simplify interpretation. Manufactured ranges, enrichment factors, and associated references are all continuously updated and compiled into ready to use tables.

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Demonstrate contaminant degradation.

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Delineate contaminant sources with Dual Isotope Plots.

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Investigate degradation mechanism and extent of degradation with Modified Kuder Plots.

Along with chemical, geochemical, and microbial analyses, compound specific isotope analysis can provide a strong line of evidence when evaluating contaminant degradation, treatment options, remedy performance, and investigating the potential for multiple contamination sources.

The SIP Database (Coming Soon)

Stable isotope probing (SIP) is a powerful tool that can provide conclusive evidence of biodegradation of common groundwater contaminants like benzene and other petroleum hydrocarbons that are utilized by microorganisms as carbon and energy sources.

With SIP, incorporation of 13C into biomass or dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) is conclusive evidence of in situ biodegradation. However, comparison of your SIP results with those from other sites can provide additional insight into the level of incorporation.

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Conclusively determine if biodegradation is occurring.

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Evaluate monitored natural attenuation (MNA).

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Combine with In Situ Microcosms (ISMS).

Bio Trap Infographic

The Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Database (Coming Soon)

Microbial Insights is creating a dedicated database that combines CENSUS® qPCR and QuantArray® results and operating parameters for MIC assessment applications.

Using CENSUS® qPCR or QuantArray® to quantify concentrations of MIC associated microorganisms over time or in response to mitigation provides a strong line of evidence in evaluating MIC threats and treatment effectiveness. While MIC assessment is highly system specific, the MIC Database will help operators and corrosion engineers put microbial results in context and ultimately develop relationships with system parameters.


As with all client information provided to MI, any and all data will be treated as confidential and not published or released to outside parties.