Why Are Environmental Remediation Services Important?

Why Are Environmental Remediation Services Important? Environmental remediation services are crucial for revitalizing contaminated land, protecting human health, and enhancing economic and ecological value. In a world filled with finite things let us preserve what we have left. Here are key benefits of environmental remediation: Improves the Environment Remediation transforms contaminated sites into healthy, usable…

New to Microbes? Overview and Help.

Welcome to the captivating world of microbes! If you’re new to the concept or simply curious to learn more, buckle up as we discuss these tiny yet powerful organisms.   What Are Microbes? Microbes, also known as microorganisms, are living organisms too small to be seen with the naked eye. They come in various forms,…


QuantArray®-Chlor: Actionable Data for Remedy Selection

• Site managers were considering monitored natural attenuation (MNA), biostimulation, and bioaugmentation as remediation strategies at a site impacted by a complex mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons including PCE, TCE, 1,1,2-TCA, 1,2-DCA, cis-DCE, and VC along with high concentrations of sulfate.

• QuantArray®-Chlor analysis provided actionable data for remedy selection allowing timely decisions and significant cost savings in site management.

SIP: Evaluating MNA at a Manufactured Gas Plant

– Site stakeholders needed conclusive evidence that biodegradation of benzene and naphthalene was occurring under existing site conditions to accept MNA instead of a more aggressive strategy.

– Stable isotope probing (SIP) studies using Bio-Traps® amended with 13C benzene or 13C naphthalene conclusively demonstrated in situ biodegradation occurred under existing site conditions.