- Site managers were considering monitored natural attenuation (MNA), biostimulation, and bioaugmentation as remediation strategies at a site impacted by a complex mixture of chlorinated hydrocarbons including PCE, TCE, 1,1,2-TCA, 1,2-DCA, cis-DCE, and VC along with high concentrations of sulfate.
- Site managers had several questions including: Is complete reductive dechlorination of all chlorinated solvents possible? Is biostimulation or bioaugmentation required? The answer to the first question was yes. QuantArray®-Chlor analysis clearly demonstrated that halorespiring bacteria capable of reductive dechlorination of all of the detected chlorinated solvents were present at the site. However, QuantArray®-Chlor analysis also showed that their concentrations were lower than those required for effective rates of reductive dechlorination. Therefore, although bioaugmentation is not required, biostimulation with injection of an electron donor will be required to boost rates of reductive dechlorination.
- QuantArray®-Chlor analysis provided actionable data for remedy selection allowing timely decisions and significant cost savings in site management.