Infinitely Small Forms of Life with Infinitely Large Impacts: Twenty Years of Microbial Discovery in Great Smoky Mountains
Dr. Sean O’Connell Associate Professor Western Carolina University
Dr. Sean O’Connell Associate Professor Western Carolina University
Dr. Alan Seech Senior Manager of Technology Applications Evonik Corporation Dora Taggart Microbial Insights
John Kane, CEO/President Kane Environmental, Inc. | Environmental Issues. Business Solutions.
Dr. Terry Hazen Governor’s Chair Professor University of Tennessee/ORNL Departments of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Microbiology and Earth and Planetary Sciences
Jim Occhialini, Vice President with Alpha Analytical and Practice Leader for the Laboratory’s Special Analytical Services Group
Dr. Michael Hyman North Carolina State University
Dr. Alan Jeffrey and Dora Taggart Microbial Insights
Matt Burns Technical Fellow & Contaminated Land National Service Line Lead WSP
Dr. John Wilson, Scissortail Environmental Solutions Dr. Charles Newell, GSI Environmental Dr. David Adamson, GSI Environmental