Microbial Insights has extensive experience identifying and analyzing microbial contaminants in recreational waters. We have been the industry leader, developing and licensing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays for microbial source tracking of fecal contamination of surface waters. Our microbial source tracking (MST) assays help you make better informed water quality management decisions by allowing you to identify the source of fecal a contamination source. Knowing the contamination source, you can implement the most appropriate corrective actions to reduce the fecal input and improve water quality.
ISSUE: Microbial contaminants in U.S. recreational waters are responsible for approximately 90 million illnesses each year, and around 1 in 10 surface waters in the U.S. are believed to pose a risk to human health due to high densities of fecal indicator bacteria.
IMPACT: Fecal contamination is hazardous to human health and can have economic impacts including beach closures and shellfish harvesting restrictions.
THREATS: Health + Environmental Consequences.
PATH TO RESOLUTION: If you do not know the fecal contamination source, how can you fix the problem? In a typical watershed, contamination of surface waters can be caused by a myriad of potential point and non-point sources containing fecal material from:
- Humans (sewer leaks, sanitary sewer overflows, septic system failures, stormwater)
- Dogs and other domestic animals (stormwater, urban runoff)
- Livestock (confined animal feeding operations)
- Wildlife
By identifying contamination sources, our microbial source tracking (MST) tools provide the actionable insight and data you need to improve water quality. Our superior customer service will help guide and support you with expert analysis and interpretation every step of the way so you can get the job done.