Since 1992, Microbial Insights has been a trusted partner with environmental consultants, site owners, regulators, and government agencies for their Environmental Remediation testing, analysis, and services. Microbial Insights has extensive expertise and leverages our highly accurate, cost-effective, and informative molecular biological tools (MBTs) to provide the comprehensive data needed to help our clients select and implement effective remediation strategies.
ISSUE: Leaks, spills and historical manufacturing and disposal practices have led to the release of pollutants (chlorinated solvents, petroleum products, etc.) into the environment. Environmental Remediation is performed to destroy, degrade or remove these contaminants from soil, groundwater, and sediments.
IMPACT: Contamination of soil and groundwater + Toxicity and risk of disease + Loss of natural resources including drinking water.
THREATS: Health + Safety + Environmental Consequences.
PATH TO RESOLUTION: Our superior molecular biological tools and data interpretation provide you with the detailed insight you need to make informed management decisions that can impact the environment. Our MBTs provide quantification of specific contaminant degrading microorganisms and functional genes, comprehensive characterization and identification of microbial communities, and conclusive evidence of contaminant degradation. Our expert interpretation is 100% unbiased. Microbial Insights does not sell bioaugmentation cultures or treatment products. We provide the MBTs and reporting that help you make the most informed decisions for your sites, based on the best possible data and analysis.