Commercial Versus Research Lab
Does the lab you are using actually subcontract their molecular work to a local university or is it performed in house? Read below to understand why using a commercial lab is important to your project:
Why choose a lab like Microbial Insights:

Customer service – MI provides hands-on customer service, from learning about the contaminated land or other project – helping you choose the best analysis, targets, and sampling locations all the way to reporting then helping you to understand those results. MI’s customer service meets the customer where they are, from non-technical to technical. All of this is included in the analytical quote without our lab charging extra hourly rates to assist.

Standardized protocols based on validated and vetted data for over 25 years on over 150,000 samples from around the world. No one has extracted as many environmental samples as we have. Here, expertise and rigorous SOPs count.

Vetted analytics—MI’s procedures from extraction to qPCR to sequencing have been developed based on over 25 years of experience on over 150,000 samples.

ISO Certification – MI is capable of obtaining globally recognized credentials that reflect the stringent protocols and rigorous quality control we maintain.

Regular, consistent audits – MI has a strict audit process including: Review of all data, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Audits and detailed tracking of every part of the process to ensure long term quality control.

Consistency in DNA extraction – the staff are all full-time technicians who undergo rigorous training as well as annual validation to ensure the same level of service and repeatability of analysis no matter which MI location you use globally.

Predictable scheduling – MI’s schedule is not tied to the academic year, university-wide weather closures, class schedules, or campus events and our staff don’t graduate and move on at the end of the semester.

Sample receiving is consistent – the samples are dropped off at the same door everyday and checked in by the same people

Sample check-in efficiency – samples are checked-in daily following a strict protocol. Daily sample check-ins require a reliable and consistent streamline. Staff dedicated to sample check-in are able to immediately reach out if there are concerns or questions.

Ethical sample handling – MI knows the importance of client data and we have robust practices and systems in place for ensuring that all samples are treated equally and that client data is protected.

Up-to-date technology – MI does not rely on grant funding to purchase the most up-to-date instruments and software.

Routine maintenance and consistent instrument use. At MI a limited number of people are trained and use each instrument following strict protocols. University labs often have instrumentation for multi-purpose use and a variety of student technicians who run them on various projects.

Consistency in DNA analysis – MI’s staff undergoes rigorous certifications for analyzing samples

Consistency in data analysis – MI’s DNA lab staff has an average of 10 years of experience per person, providing them with the ability to catch anomalies quickly, and a process flow that results in quick action.

Dedicated reporting team and formatting – MI’s experience of over 33 years has provided us with insights into the most accessible and comprehensive way to present data for end-users with a wide-range of technical abilities.

Higher throughput – Thanks to consistency in staffing, scheduling, protocols, instrument upkeep, and communication, MI is sure to have higher-throughput at higher-quality than a university lab.

Faster project TATs – No matter where you’re sending samples from, all TATs are honored at MI. Because of our years of experience, consistency, and process flow, our turnaround times are faster and more consistent than a university can provide.