Using Molecular Biological Tools to Estimate Rate Constants for Anaerobic Biodegradation of cis-DCE and Vinyl Chloride
Dr. John Wilson, Scissortail Environmental Solutions
Dr. John Wilson, Scissortail Environmental Solutions
Dr. Craig Divine and Dr, Shandra-Justicia-León Arcadis
Dr. Robert Borden, P.E. Principal Engineer with EOS Remediation, LLC and Emeritus Professor North Carolina State University
Naji Akladiss, Maine Department of Environmental Protection & Dr. Charles Newell, GSI Environmental
Dr. Robert Borden (North Carolina State University)
Rick Eckert Dr. Susmitha Purnima Kotu and Dr. Christopher Kagarise DNV GL
John Sohl President and CEO COLUMBIA Technologies
Dan Leigh Technology Applications Manager PeroxyChem Environmental Solutions
Dr. Alan Jeffrey and Dr. Sam Rosolina Microbial Insights
Dr. Stephan Hüttmann Managing Director Sensatec GmbH MI European Sales Representative